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Tooth Extractions – Manchester, NH

Gentle Tooth Removal

Illustration of forceps gripping tooth during tooth extraction in Manchester

Dr. Fromuth and our team want you to be able to retain your natural teeth for a lifetime. Unfortunately, however, that is not possible for all patients. In some cases, it becomes necessary to remove one or more teeth in order to support a person’s oral and overall health. On this page, you will learn about some of the reasons for tooth extractions, what to expect during the procedure, and how you can enjoy a smooth recovery.

Why Choose Fromuth & Langlois Dental of Manchester for Tooth Extractions?

Reasons Why Tooth Extractions Are Necessary

Man with severe toothache, may need to undergo tooth extraction

There are several reasons why it might become necessary to remove one or more teeth:

The Process of Removing a Tooth

Female patient smiling after successful tooth extraction procedure

There are two types of tooth extractions. During a simple extraction, we numb the mouth then use an instrument called an elevator to lift the tooth. Then, we grip it with forceps and rock it back and forth to break its connection to nearby tissues.

During a surgical extraction, we may have to create an incision in the gums to access an impacted tooth. We may also need to break it into pieces to make it easier to remove.

Following your extraction, we may speak to you about your tooth replacement options. Replacing a lost member of your smile can prevent future tooth loss and other serious problems.

Tooth Extraction Aftercare

Woman resting at home after tooth extraction appointment

Most patients feel fairly normal within one week or so of their extraction. To make your recovery from a tooth extraction as easy as possible, you should:

After your recovery, it is important that you attend follow-up appointments with your dentist in Manchester so we can move forward with any plans for tooth replacement.

Understanding the Cost of Tooth Extractions

Tooth and piggy bank for cost of tooth extraction in Manchester

You only get one set of natural teeth as an adult, so it’s very important to take proper care of them. Even so, there are instances where someone diligent about oral hygiene will still require a tooth extraction in the interest of their oral health. If your dentist in Manchester said having one removed is necessary, it’s not unusual that your first thought might be to wonder about how much it is going to cost. It’s not easy to provide a one-size-fits-all answer since it comes down to the specifics of your particular case. To gain a better understanding of what goes into the expense, keep reading or contact our office! 

Factors That Can Affect Tooth Extraction Cost

location of teeth types for cost of tooth extraction in Manchester

No two cases are exactly the same which is why it’s not feasible to provide you with an accurate cost estimate until we conduct an exam. At your initial appointment, our team at Fromuth & Langlois Dental will evaluate your situation to pinpoint what’s necessary for your tooth extraction. Multiple factors can influence the overall price of your procedure including:

  • Complexity – The type of procedure you’ll need can also affect the overall price. For example, an impacted or erupted tooth extraction will cost more than a simple extraction because the treatment is more invasive.
  • Location – The location of the tooth that’s being pulled can influence the total cost of your extraction.
  • Anesthesia – Some patients will feel comfortable with just local anesthetic, while others may request dental sedation. 

Does Dental Insurance Cover Tooth Extractions?

dental insurance graphic for cost of tooth extraction in Manchester

Fortunately, most dental insurance plans will partially cover the cost of tooth extraction in Manchester after the deductible has been met. However, it’s worth noting there might be certain limits in place. For example, only a particular number of teeth may be covered, or perhaps there’s a waiting period before coverage kicks in.

Before committing to treatment, it’s a good idea to contact your insurance provider and confirm the details of your plan. Our team will be happy to help with this step to try to maximize your savings.

How to Make Tooth Extractions Affordable

marker with financing for cost of tooth extraction in Manchester

Don’t have dental insurance? No problem! There’s still a way to make your dental bills easier to manage. We offer financing through CareCredit which allows for manageable monthly payments with little-to-no interest. Give us a call for further details! 

If your dentist in Manchester recommended a tooth extraction, don’t worry! We are going to make sure you understand the procedure and develop a plan that makes sense for your budget.

Tooth Extractions FAQs

Series of extracted teeth resting next to dental instrument

If you’ve never had a tooth extracted before, we understand that you may feel worried or concerned about the prospect of receiving treatment. You can rest assured that our team will do everything possible to help you get comfortable ahead of treatment as well as remain by your side every step of the way. Below, you can read some of the most common questions we’ve heard from patients over the years who have also received a tooth extraction. If yours is not mentioned, please don’t hesitate to ask it during your next visit or by giving us a call.

Does Getting a Tooth Extracted Hurt?

Patients are often hesitant to complete certain dental treatments due to being afraid they may hurt. Thankfully, tooth extraction (like many other services) involves sufficient numbing of the treatment area before beginning, whether you’re having one or multiple teeth extracted. Soreness and discomfort are relatively common after the procedure, but following our aftercare instructions can help you mitigate these symptoms. The closer you follow them, the less likely you’ll run into issues like infection or puffiness as you heal. If you believe your pain is worsening or you begin exhibiting signs of an infection (such as a fever) call our office immediately.

What Risks Are Involved with Tooth Extractions?

Tooth extractions are considered to be extremely safe when performed by a trained professional. However, treatment does carries some risks, the main one being an infection. This can spread to other areas of the body if it is not handled swiftly. The other potential risk is dry socket, a condition that causes major discomfort and makes your healing take longer to complete. The best way to prevent this from happening is by following all aftercare instructions from our office and knowing the most common symptoms to look out for.

What Can I Do to Speed Up the Healing Time?

The best thing you can do to speed up healing is to focus on resting. Do not perform any strenuous activities or exercise for at least 24 hours. Keep the gauze pad firmly in place as instructed by our dentists to ensure a blood clot can form. Avoid touching the wound with your tongue or hands as well. Do not use mouthwash or eat acidic foods either as this can irritate the treatment site. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, but do not use a straw (which can dislodge the blood clot and cause dry socket). Use an ice pack to bring down any swelling and puffiness in your cheek. Take medications recommended by our office, such as ibuprofen or prescription painkillers, to reduce pain.

What Are My Options for Replacing a Missing Tooth?

It depends on how many teeth you end up needing to replace and where they were located, but you do have multiple options available to you. For example, a dental bridge relies on adjacent teeth to anchor your replacement tooth in place. This is done by taking multiple crowns and fusing them together, then placing them onto slightly modified teeth. If you are missing one to three teeth, this option is ideal. A denture is more appropriate if you have multiple teeth pulled on both sides of your mouth or need to replace an entire arch. Our office is happy to discuss your options in more detail In person.

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